Congratulations Dr. Kamileen!!seoconnorJan 201 min readCongrats to Omar on his successful PhD defence!
Kratom alkaloid biosynthesis: how this plant epimerizes a highly conserved stereocenter.All 3000 monoterpene indole alkaloids are made by a stereoselective Pictet Spengler reaction that leads to a tetrahydro-beta-carboline...
A few amino acid changes to a cytochrome P450 leads to enormous chemical diversitySee Omar and Benke's preprint showing how a single CYP71 can be mutated to lead to 4 monoterpene indole alkaloid scaffolds. They also...
Single cell mass spectrometry of plant cell cultureCarmen's preprint shows how single cell mass spectrometry can be used to measure the metabolic heterogeneity of plant cell culture....